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Member spotlight: Meet Rosalyn Lazaruk, founder of Tipsy Palm
Rosalyn Lazaruk, founder, Tipsy Palm. Photo: KoolShooters/Pexels/Tipsy Palm

Member spotlight: Meet Rosalyn Lazaruk, founder of Tipsy Palm


Vintage Sellers Community member, shop owner, market organizer and ’80s lover Rosalyn Lazaruk discusses how vintage was built to last

We love to introduce you to members of the Vintage Sellers Community — meet Rosalyn Lazaruk, founder of Tipsy Palm.

As a longtime interior designer who once owned a storefront, Rosalyn is tapping into her retail background with Tipsy Palm, a curated vintage shop based in Edmonton, Alta., to deliver a personalized shopping experience.

Rosalyn, who started Tipsy Palm when her personal vintage stash started to get harder to manage, is now frequently spotted at local markets. She’s also organizer of her own boutique market series, Curate Vintage Market.

Get to know Rosalyn below!

Photo: Tipsy Palm

What is Tipsy Palm all about?

Tipsy Palm has a focus on vintage fashion spanning the decades. We focus on curating unique, quality pieces that mix with our modern closets.

Tipsy Palm has curated collections. I source pieces that work together and with modern trends. I take a very boutique approach to my brand, giving my clients a comfortable, joyful vintage shopping experience.

How did you get started with Tipsy Palm?

I recently “retired” from the interior design industry where I had my own company for 18-plus years. Mid-century modern design was often my inspiration and was how Tipsy Palm started.

Photo: Tipsy Palm

I loved sourcing vintage pieces for myself and for my clients and I just couldn’t leave fabulous objects behind…my little bungalow at the time couldn’t hold anymore so I decided to start sharing them with the world.

I guess Tipsy Palm is a way of preventing me from having too many “collections,” and of compromising with my husband who is much more of a minimalist!

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What’s the first moment you remember having a passion for vintage? What happened?

I was a teenager in the era of grunge and to truly rock that style you needed to shop secondhand.

My friends and I would go thrifting for the perfect grandpa sweater or torn jeans, and I quickly came to see how amazing these pieces worked with my contemporary closet and how far my clothing budget could go. And I just never stopped!

Photo: Tipsy Palm

Why do you think shoppers should consider buying vintage?

There is something to be said for the quality of materials and construction of vintage garments. So many of my pieces are made in Canada with union labels — something you just don’t see anymore.

Keeping these pieces living sends a message that this is what we want to see from current textile manufacturers.

Photo: Tipsy Palm

What’s a vintage fashion fact you’d love to share?

I am from Edmonton and so I love the history of GWG. The Great Western Garment Company was based here in Edmonton, and it is always amazing to find “Made in Edmonton” on the labels. GWG was [gradually] bought out by Levi’s over the ’60s and ’70s. and then Levi’s were manufactured here until into the ’90s.

Photo: Tipsy Palm

Where can customers find you?

Find a selection of pieces at tipsypalm.com and on Instagram @tipsypalm. Rosalyn is also regularly at pop-ups and markets in the Edmonton area throughout the year, including at the Curate Vintage Market Mar. 23-26.

Have a question or comment for Rosalyn at Tipsy Palm? Let us know in the comments below!

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