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Media coverage is one of the best ways to get more eyeballs on your shop. Photo: RDNE Stock project/Pexels
Media coverage is one of the best ways to get more eyeballs on your shop. Photo: RDNE Stock project/Pexels
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How to create a press or media kit for your vintage shop


Get advice on how to build a press kit for your vintage or resale shop from an award-winning editor inside the Vintage Sellers Community

A press kit and a media kit are the same thing. It’s a multi-page document (these days, a PDF or Word doc, or a page(s) on your website) that explains what your shop is all about to journalists, editors and other media.

It contains facts, history, demographics/analytics, and an overview of your shop services. It is almost always a designed or semi-designed package with visuals — this is a chance to show off your shop in the best light.

Someone reading your press kit should be able to get a pretty broad understanding of everything your shop (and you!) are all about without having to talk to you directly. You want them to equip them with as much info as possible so they want to talk to you, like a cover letter/resume deal!

Why might a press kit or media kit be useful for you or your shop?

  • Builds authority
  • Can attract media coverage (visibility/brand awareness) — you are making it easier for the media person to make a decision
  • Can build some buzz (doing something new? attending a huge show? putting on a market? Attach your media kit when you email your local news/bloggers/magazines to let them know)
  • Can lead to potential partners/collaborators
  • Can be used as a foundation for future kits (i.e. one targeted to investors or loan agencies)
  • Makes you more findable if you host it on your website and allow for it to be downloaded without request.

What should a press kit contain?

Your boilerplate: Your standard shop blurb. What are you all about?

An idea of what you sell/any services you offer.

Brief shop history/your unique selling point.

Bullets about anything special you can speak on (your knowledge of vintage buttons and antique sewing techniques, or that you’re a Levi’s scholar, or that you know everything there is to know about Fire King, or whatever specialized things you know about).

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